Wednesday, July 31, 2019

French and Indian War Brief Essay

Major Players in the French and Indian War The French and Indian War was primarily England and the American colonies against the French and various Native American tribes in America. As France expanded its colonies along the Ohio River, and Britain ventured further into the mountains and discovered them, it was inevitable that there would be competition, tension and eventually war between the two colonies. This war has come to be known as the French and Indian war, but it has various other names such as ‘The Seven Year War’ or ‘The War of British Conquest’. The war escalated into a world war in 1760 when France and Britain declared war on each other. It was sparked in America, not Europe, but Great Britain spent a lot of money in helping to fight the war and support to their colonies in America and the colonies participated fully in the war. Main reasons for the French and Indian War Britain and France had long been in a competition for territory in North America. The rich land west and north-west of the Appalachians was in top demand, for it was filled with waterways, fisheries, abundant game and beaver runs. Tensions grew until France and Britain finally declared war on each other for the region in 1756. In the first year, the British were defeated numerous times by the French and their allies, the Native Americans. This is when British Prime Minister William Pitt lent a hand to help out with the war, and funded an expanded war effort which involved shipping 10,000 soldiers overseas. He could see that there was potential of imperial expansion if France were defeated and borrowed substantial amounts of money to contribute. From then on, France’s attempts started to fail. By 1760 they were expelled from Canada, and their all allies in Europe were defeated or made separate peace with Prussia. The War comes to an end The French and Indian War was a great British victory. It ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris and also the Treaty of Hubertsburg in February 1763. In the Treaty of Paris, France lost east-Canada and gave Louisiana to Spain. Britain received Spanish Florida, Upper Canada and other French holdings overseas. The British were very pleased with the treaty, as they no longer had to worry about French attacks as much as they previously did. Also, the extra land meant more room for discovery and settlement, although there were still natives all through the land. Contribution the beginning of the American Revolution Fifteen years after the war, the bitterness the French felt after the loss of their colonial empire influenced their input in the American Revolution.

Examining the selection criteria for equity finance investment in social enterprise

Research Methodology The main purpose of this section is to discuss how the primary research has been carried out and the rationale for the choice of methodology. The conclusion of the literature review showed that there are currently no publically agreed criteria for social venture capital funding and very little in the way of conclusive advice for social enterprises attempting to raise this kind of funding. As a result, it is important to gather primary data to facilitate the development of robust conclusions and to answer the research questions. When proposing a research methodology for an in-depth study such as this, Saunders et al. (2009) suggest that it is practical to build the research methodology and research design in such a way that it supports the overall aim and objectives of the research. As such, every aspect of the methodology must reflect the overall purpose of the research, and be geared towards answering the research question and accomplishing its objectives (Neuman, 2000). This chapter therefore outlines the methodology through which the research objectives were met, and the question answered. Several important factors, such as the research philosophy, design, strategy and data collection are highlighted. Issues relating to the research’s validity, generalizability and reliability are also discussed. Research Philosophy According to Easterby-Smith et al (2008), it is important to understand the research philosophy being adopted in management research, as it helps clarify how the research should be designed, approached, and how data could be collected and analysed. Easterby-Smith et al also note that an understanding of the research philosophy could help the researcher in creating, designing and identifying research that may not in line with past experiences. Based on the research aims and objectives, the researcher deemed it most appropriate to adopt an interpretivist philosophy. This is due to the overriding aim of this research, which is to understand the reasons behind social enterprise funding, thus implying that there is a need to understand human responses to a situation, thereby making the result of the findings potentially subjective in nature (Denzin and Lincoln, 2003). Saunders et al (2009) note â€Å"interpretivism is an epistemology that advocates that it is necessary for the researcher to understand differences between humans in our role as social actors† The researcher will need to make sense of the subjective and socially constructed meanings expressed by respondents, as per the interpretivist philosophy (Saunders et al, 2009). The interpretivist perspective can be argued to be decidedly appropriate when it comes to management research due to the complexity and uniqueness of business situations (Saunders et al, 2012; Neuman, 2000). As a result of this choice, the positivist philosophy would not be adopted in this study, as it would be ineffective to adopt a philosophy that observes and generalises social reality (Robson, 2002). Collis and Hussey (2003) also argue that the positivist philosophy cannot help understand the inner feelings, attitudes and human emotions behind social enterprise investments, as these could differ from one investor to another. Research Approach According to Collis and Hussey (2003) a research that adopts an interpretivist philosophy should be inductive in its approach. An inductive approach to research can help to gain an understanding of human interpretation to events, which is especially useful in management research, where the attitude and motivation of stakeholders matter (Saunders et al, 2009). As this study is concerned with understanding how social enterprise investors determine their investment criteria, then it is useful for this research to adopt an approach that makes it possible to understand human emotions and attitudes, compared to the deductive approach that is usually based on generalised scientific principles and academic theories (Bryman and Bell, 2007). Research Purpose As the aim of this study is to identify what social venture capitalists look for in an investment opportunity, this lends itself very much to an exploratory research methodology. According to Robson (2002, pg. 59), â€Å"an exploratory research is a valuable means of finding out what is happening; to seek new insights; to ask questions and to assess phenomena in a new light.† Saunders et al (2009) also state that an exploratory research is useful if the aim of the research is to understand a problem, find out what’s happening, or when the researcher is particularly unsure about a research problem. As such, an exploratory study is an ideal design, as it helps to answer this research’s question more effectively. An exploratory study has been chosen compared to descriptive studies – which portray accurate events of people, events or situations (Robson, 2002), because this research seeks to ‘find out’ and not to ‘narrate’. Furthermore, the literature review already shows that there is insufficient information on selection criteria on social enterprise investments, which defeats the purpose of a descriptive study. The same also applies to explanatory studies, where the emphasis is to study a situation and explain the relationship between two or more variables (Saunders et al, 2009). This study is not designed to assess the relationship between variables, but rather to understand investor attitude. An exploratory study is therefore the most effective form of answering the research question. Data Collection Saunders et al. (2009) suggest that when gathering primary data for an inductive exploratory study, it is normal that much of the data will be qualitative in nature. While there is a considerable amount of quantitative data around the subject of venture capital and social enterprise, these statistics are not sufficient to clarify investment criteria. A further issue with quantitative data is that this research does not seek to reconcile hypothesis and as a result, a methodology needs to be chosen that produces qualitative data. To answer the research question, and to develop a better understanding of this new development for both the social VC and social enterprise industries, it is important to collect data that is rich in opinion and explanation (as recommended by Morris and Wood, 1991). Qualitative data collection is therefore the most appropriate for this research. As it is anticipated that much of the primary data gathered for this study will be qualitative in nature, Saunders et al. (2009) suggests that there are several techniques for gathering primary data. These include inter alia interviews, surveys, focus groups, case studies, and participant observation. To obtain rich data that will be sufficient to allow for analysis, the development of themes, and sufficient contrast of opinion, techniques such as questionnaires and general surveys with large samples are unlikely to be effective (Morris and Wood, 1991). Firstly due to the fact that they will not provide the necessary opinion to answer the research question but more importantly due to the fact that there is a limited sample of available respondents with the necessary experience in their industry, as will be clarified in the data sources section of this methodology. While both the VC industry and the social enterprise ‘movement’ are well established, the actual link between them is relatively new and as a result it is important to select a technique that allows for the development of theories to emerge during data collection and analysis. A longitudinal study would potentially be ideal as would the case study method, since both of these allow for the opportunity for the discovery of interesting new ideas and theories (Adams and Schvaneveldt, 1991). A longitudinal study is not appropriate for this dissertation due to the time constraints, and so a cross-sectional study is more appropriate. While there was the potential to carry out a case study of either a social VC fund or a social enterprise, this would have only provided information around one organization. To effectively analyse the link between two industries it is more appropriate to gather data from a broad cross section of organizations and links to avoid either any bias or à ¢â‚¬Å"isolate opinion† (Collis and Hussey, 2003). According to Belk (2008), the main weakness of qualitative data collection is that it can be limited by insufficient resources. This means that because interviews are resource intensive, a narrower range of opinion is gathered. However Collins & Hussey (2003) argue that if the interviews are well structured even though they only gather the opinions of a relatively small research population the depth and breadth of data gathered and the fact that it is contextually relevant is certainly sufficient in terms of data validity and reliability for an exploratory study such as this. Having established the time limitations and the issue that the potential sample is limited but should be sufficiently broad, interviews emerge as the most appropriate methodology. As Sanders et al (2009) explains, there are a number of different ways that an interview can be conducted. It is first important to establish which structure of interview is the most appropriate. There are three main categories of interview structure, and these are: structured, semi-structured and unstructured. The primary distinction between them being the level of freedom given to the researcher in terms of asking different questions to interviewees, and varying the length allowed for the responses (Saunders et al, 2009). The literature showed that there is no clarity as to either the criteria used for funding or for the advice to those seeking funding, and as a result there needs to be the opportunity for the interviewees to express opinion and provide information that moves beyond the confines of a set of structured questions. To develop new and interesting theories, it is essential that the interviews allow for different responses (Robson, 2002). However, this dissertation has a limitation of length which prevents unstructured interviews from being an appropriate technique as it could potentially allow for too much data to be collected making analysis overly complex or it could prevent the necessary focus on the issues related to the research question. Semi-structured interviews allow for sufficient data to be collected while also providing the flexibility that is necessary for the researcher to develop both original insight and sufficient opinion for the analysis (Bryman and Bell, 2007). Data Sources and Data Collection Techniques Since it has been established that the author shall conduct semi-structured interviews, it is important at this stage to re-visit the research questions, which are as follows: When evaluating social enterprises for equity investment, which criteria are considered most important Do social venture capitalists differ in their evaluation criteria compared to commercial venture capitalists Secondary research question: What are the drivers for the social venture capitalists A questionnaire has been developed accordingly and used as a guideline, allowing for flexibility of the discussion and giving the respondents room to reject certain questions or focus on questions that was within their expertise, whilst still ensuring answers to the more critical questions. This semi-structured format is favourable also because it allows for discretion and prioritization in time management, without the need to interrupt or inconvenience the respondent (Neuman, 2000). Primary data has been gathered using said questionnaire, from five individuals that are responsible for screening social enterprises in the UK for access to equity investment. Five interview respondents were seen as ideal for a number of reasons. Firstly, this research is exploratory in nature; secondly, time constraints would have made it difficult to gather and analyse data from more than five respondents; and lastly, it was difficult to gain access to these individuals. The semi-structured interviews were conducted over the phone and in face-to-face environments, as per the respondents’ preference. The questionnaire was shared beforehand allowing the respondents time to consider and prepare for the questions if need be, as well as to filter out respondents who were not well suited. Research participants were encouraged to expand upon their responses to allow the researcher to gather a wide range of data (Belk, 2008). The interviews were audio-recorded with consent and subsequently transcribed verbatim[1], in order to allow the researcher to focus on the interview and fully engage with the respondent, without compromising on the accuracy of the data collected (Robson, 2002). This further allowed for the researcher to take note of additional non-verbal communication to enrich the quality of data retrieved (Kvale and Brinkmann, 2009). At the end of each interview, a summary was developed in order to reflect upon the progression of the interview process and start developing any findings. This â€Å"stop and reflect† process in between interviews, as recommended by Saunders et al (2009), has allowed the researcher to adapt to this new knowledge and delve deeper into the research questions with each ensuing interview. This process has led to an additional set of questions on the questionnaire[2], with the aim of addressing four new research questions: Is there in fact a market/demand for equity investment in social enterprise in the UK Is there a supply/demand balance of social enterprises to social investment How do SIFIs interact What does the future of social investment look like Once the data had been gathered, the author administered data reduction techniques (Miles and Huberman, 1994) by critically reviewing and selectively focusing on key parts of the extended text which are the transcripts. By extracting relevant pieces of information to answer our research questions, along with our notes throughout the interview process, the author was then able to codify the data, which was then subject to thematic analysis. Data collection, data analysis and the development and verification of the propositions have been very much an interactive and interrelated set of processes, whereby actual analysis occurred throughout. The flexibility of this process was key to enabling more insightful data and propositions, as enabled by an inductive approach. Issues of Reliability, Validity and Generalisability Reliability denotes the extent to which findings from a research can provide consistent findings, if another study were to adopt its data gathering and sampling technique (Easterby-Smith et al, 2008). The major threats to research liability: respondent bias, respondent error, interviewer bias and interviewer error (Robson, 2002) were avoided by: Sending the questionnaires to the respondents beforehand to avoid misinterpretation of intent or questions. Audio-recording the interviews, and taking ‘time-outs’ to reflect on the answers and ask further questions. Analyzing the data using data-reduction techniques, in order to prioritize the key findings and avoid loss of data. Validity, according to Saunders et al (2009) â€Å"is concerned with whether findings are really about what they appear to be about†. The interview questions were based on the research question, thus linking respondent answers to the overall aim of the research. Furthermore, the respondents were accredited professionals with industry insight on social enterprise investments. As a result, they were most fit to answer the interview questions. This helped ensure the data collected and analysed was valid. Generalisability measures the extent to which research findings are generalizable to other research settings (Saunders et al, 2009). Due to the inductive nature of this study, it is the researcher’s opinion that the findings of this research are generalizable to social enterprise investments in the UK. The findings from this research could help explain how investors determine what social enterprises they would invest in the UK. This is due to socio-economic factors that may differ from one country to another. Ethics With any primary research it is imperative that matters relating to research ethics are taken into account (Denzin and Lincoln, 2003). This includes ensuring that research participants have a clear understanding of what the research will entail and their contribution to the research. Research participants have agreed to support the research voluntarily, and so Denzin and Lincoln (2003, p.114) describe this as â€Å"informed consent†. The author has explained the nature of the research and reassured research participants of their role. Furthermore, confidentiality will be maintained through ensuring anonymity of research participants throughout this dissertation, only divulging participants’ names on a need to know basis to dissertation assessors. Not only is this ethical best practice, but Bryman & Bell (2011) also highlight the fact that it further ensures that the researcher gathers legitimate data which is not subject to inadvertent bias, for example a research p articipant feels that they must say nice things about their supervisor. In this instance because the research is heavily reliant on personal opinion then it is imperative that research ethics are observed. Due to the respondents’ varying assumptions in definition when referring to key research terms, such as â€Å"social enterprise† and â€Å"social venture capital†, all questions were clarified in detail where necessary, and the author ensured an alignment of understanding prior to collecting data. References Adams, G. R. and Schvaneveldt, J. D. (1991) Understanding Research Methods, Longman Group: UK, 406pp Bryman, A. and Bell, E. (2007) Business Research Methods, 2nd Ed, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 786pp Collis, J. and Hussey, R. (2003) Business Research: A Practical Guide for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students, 2nd Ed, Palgrave McMillan: NY, 374pp Easterby-Smith, M., Thorpe, R., and Lowe, A. (2008) Management Research: An Introduction, 2nd Ed, SAGE: London, 194pp Morris, T. and Wood, S. (1991), ‘Testing the survey method: continuity and change in British industrial relations’, Work, Employment & Society, Vol. 5 No. 2, pp. 259- 82. Neuman, W. L. (2000) Basics of social research: qualitative and quantitative approaches, Pearson: UK, 391pp Robson, C. (2002) Real world research: a resource for social scientists and practitioner – researchers, 2nd Ed, Wiley-Blackwell: NY, 599pp Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2009) Research methods for business students, Fifth Edition, Pearson Education: NJ, 624pp

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Medical Tourism in India Essay

After the silicon rush India is now considered as the golden spot for treating patients mostly from the developed countries and Far East for ailments and procedures of relatively high cost and complexity. India is also aggressively promoting medical tourism in the current years -and slowly now it is moving into a new area of â€Å"medical outsourcing,† where subcontractors provide services to the overburdened medical care systems in western countries. India’s National Health Policy declares that treatment of foreign patients is legally an â€Å"export† and deemed â€Å"eligible for all fiscal incentives extended to export earnings.† Government and private sector studies in India estimate that medical tourism could bring between $1 billion and $2 billion US into the country by 2012. Going by the Statistics and various studies it can be easily said that India would be the leader in medical tourism within the next decade if only it could improve the infrastructure and tour attractions. The question or rather the doubt that is often asked by critics is how can India provide top line medical care to outsiders while more than 40% of its people languished below poverty line and less than 20% of its people can actually afford medical services. Ethically and morally this problem has to be solved if India has to move into the category of developed country and also as a place which provides medical care to both its own people and patients from other country The aim of this project is to put a finger on the highly profitable service of medical care combined with tourism in which India is currently considered as a market leader. It has been a known fact for past many decades that Indian doctors are highly skillful in their given field since all around the globe mot hospitals have doctors of Indian origin. Therefore it became almost natural that this trend extended to India. This project also aims to show why India is attracting medical tourists, is it really a secure destination and how India can promote and develop this particular activity in the coming years so as face competition given by other Asian and African options. CHAPTER .2 Research and Methodology Introduction The objective of this chapter is to present the research methodology of the present study. The chapter deals with various aspects of research methodology on Medical tourism in India and a comparative analysis are made. For the present study as more emphasis was laid down on discovery of ideas and insights is can be called descriptive research as on attempt have been made to get insight into the Medical tourism in India. Further, the study is also and descriptive nature as a descriptive study is typically concerned with determines. Here, attempts have been made to find out the correlation of people towards Medical tourism in India. Objective The key objective of the project is to study the emerging opportunities and future prospects in the Indian medical tourism market. The project discusses various industry trends and growth drivers that are fuelling growth in the market and tries to study their impact on the future scenario. Basic Research Problem of the Study Competition and marketing issues are seen as the major problems facing organisations involved in medical tourism. Other key issues are: †¢ Insufficient demand †¢ Insurance and liability issues †¢ Lack of quality standards and international standards †¢ Lack of professionalism within the industry Assumption of the Study According to medical tourism facilitators the leading medical tourism destinations are India, Thailand, USA, Hungary and Malaysia. The USA, UK and Russian Federation are seen as the leading source of patients both now and in the future. Countries rated as providing the best overall service to patients are Thailand, India, and Singapore. Respondents predicted that India, Thailand, and Singapore will also be the leading medical tourism destinations in five years time. Methods of Data Collection The data has collected in two ways. †¢ Primary Data: Primary data are those, which are collected for the first time, and they are original in character. Primary data gives higher accuracy and facts, which is very helpful for any research and its findings. I have collected primary data by personal interview. †¢ Secondary data: The secondary data are those, which are already collected by someone for some purpose and are available for the present study. Secondary data was collected from the magazines, websites and other such sources. CHAPTER .3 Medical tourism: A Global perspective Medical tourism happens when patients go to a different country for either urgent or elective medical procedures. This phenomenon is fast becoming a worldwide, multibillion-dollar industry. The reasons patients travel for treatment vary. Many medical tourists from the United States are seeking treatment at a quarter or sometimes even a 10th of the cost at home. From Canada, it is often people who are frustrated by long waiting times. From Great Britain, the patient can’t wait for treatment by the National Health Service but also can’t afford to see a physician in private practice. For others, becoming a medical tourist is a chance to combine a tropical vacation with elective or plastic surgery. And moreover patients are coming from poorer countries such as Bangladesh where treatment may not be available and going for surgery in European or western developed countries is expensive. The interesting thing of Medical tourism is that it is a concept which is actually thousands of years old. In ancient Greece, pilgrims and patients came from all over the Mediterranean to the sanctuary of the healing god, Aesculapius, at Epidaurus. In Roman Britain, patients took a dip in the waters at a shrine at Bath, a practice that continued for 2,000 years as it was believed that the waters had a healing property. From the 18th century wealthy Europeans travelled to spas from Germany to the Nile. In the 21st century, relatively low-cost jet travel has taken the industry beyond the wealthy and desperate. Countries that actively promote medical tourism include Cuba, Costa Rica, Hungary, India, Israel, Jordan, Lithuania, Malaysia and Thailand. Belgium, Poland and Singapore are now entering the field. South Africa specializes in medical safaris-visit the country for a safari, with a stopover for plastic surgery, a nose job and a chance to see lions and elephants. Thailand While, so far, India has attracted patients from Europe, the Middle East and Canada, Thailand has been the goal for Americans. India initially attracted people who had left that country for the West; Thailand treated western expatriates across Southeast Asia. Many of them worked for western companies and had the advantage of flexible, worldwide medical insurance plans geared specifically at the expatriate and overseas corporate markets. With the growth of medical-related travel and aggressive marketing, Bangkok became a centre for medical tourism. Bangkok’s International Medical Centre offers services in 26 languages, recognizes cultural and religious dietary restrictions and has a special wing for Japanese patients The medical tour companies that serve Thailand often put emphasis on the vacation aspects, offering post-recovery resort stays. South Africa South Africa also draws many cosmetic surgery patients, especially from Europe, and many South African clinics offer packages that include personal assistants, visits with trained therapists, trips to top beauty salons, post-operative care in luxury hotels and safaris or other vacation incentives. Because the South African rand has such a long-standing low rate on the foreign-exchange market, medical tourism packages there tend to be perpetual bargains as well. Argentina Argentina ranks high for plastic surgery, and Hungary draws large numbers of patients from Western Europe and the U.S. for high-quality cosmetic and dental procedures that cost half of what they would in Germany and America. Dubai Lastly, Dubai–a destination already known as a luxury vacation paradise–is scheduled to open the Dubai Healthcare City by 2010. Situated on the Red Sea, this clinic will be the largest international medical center between Europe and Southeast Asia. Slated to include a new branch of the Harvard Medical School, it also may be the most prestigious foreign clinic on the horizon. Other countries Other countries interested in medical tourism tended to start offering care to specific markets but have expanded their services as the demand grows around the world. Cuba, for example, first aimed its services at well-off patients from Central and South America and now attracts patients from Canada, Germany and Italy. Malaysia attracts patients from surrounding Southeast Asian countries; Jordan serves patients from the Middle East. Israel caters to both Jewish patients and people from some nearby countries. One Israeli hospital advertises worldwide services, specializing in both male and female infertility, in-vitro fertilization and high-risk pregnancies. South Africa offers package medical holiday deals with stays at either luxury hotels or safaris. Leading countries in the field of medical tourism CHAPTER .4 Indian tourism: An overview Tourism will expand greatly in future mainly due to the revolution that is taking place on both the demand and supply side. The changing population structure, improvement in living standard, more disposable income, fewer working hours and long leisure time, better educated people, ageing population and more curious youth in the developed as well as developing countries, all will fuel the tourism industry growth. The arrival of a large number of customers, better educated and more sophisticated, will compel the tourist industry to launch new products and brands and re-invents traditional markets. The established traditional destinations founded on sun-sea-sand products will have to re-engineer their products. They must diversify and improve the criteria for destinations and qualities of their traditional offers. Alongside beach tourism, the tourism sector will register a steady development of new products based on natural rural business, leisure and art and culture. Thus the study of new markets and emerging markets and necessity of diversified products are the basis of our strategy, which can enhance and sustain, existing and capture new markets. It is India’s vastness that challenges the imagination: the sub-continent, 3200km (2000 miles) from the mountainous vastness of the Himalayas in the north to the tropical lushness of Kerala in the south, is home to one sixth of the world’s population, a diverse culture and an intoxicatingly rich history. Desert in Rajasthan, tropical forests in the north eastern states, arid mountains in the delta region of Maharashtra and Karnataka and vast fertile planes in northern states of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana etc are just some of the geographical diversity that can be observed. We have a wealth of archeological sites and historical monuments. Manpower costs in the Indian hotel industry are one of the lowest in the world. This provides better margins for any industry which relies on man power. One of the fascinations of India is the juxtaposition of old and new; centuries of history – from the pre-historic Indus civilization to the British Raj – rub shoulders with the computer age; and Bangalore’s ‘Silicon Valley’ is as much a part of the world’s largest democracy as the remotest village is.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Corporations and its affect on the world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Corporations and its affect on the world - Essay Example Democracy, in its turn, is an ideal medium for the development and growth of businesses and corporations. Democracy and capitalism, in this sense, are the systems that consciously and lawfully encourage and allow so-called â€Å"free market† and â€Å"market competition† where the strongest wins. The strongest now means the richest. Those, who have got their influential and powerful positions in the global marketplace, will never let anyone new in. They play in democracy and in competition. They are more likely to agree on each one’s market share, than to share the market with one more pretender to wealth. As for the overall concept of democracy, it is the system which is supposed to provide each citizen with an opportunity to influence the politics of the country and take part in the legislative practice of the state. On practice, however, we have a system which imposes the will of the elite to the general public, making people think the way they are supposed to think. With the help of the media the strong of the world can influence people’s thinking and opinions. As a result, we get a nation that is taught to believe in its government and not to question the government’s decisions. According to the research conducted by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Huang and Stone), nowadays the largest income concentrates in hands of 0.1% of income receivers. Inequality between high- and middle-income Americans has been rising since 1990. The tax returns data of 1917-2004 shows a U-shaped trend in the percentage of income received by the top 10% of income recipients (Burtless and Haskins 497). In 2005 the rich got 18% of the nation’s income (Colson). Consequently, the rates of economic and, as a result, political inequality reinforce each other and compromise democracy (Jencks). Furthermore, the richest Americans not only avoid high taxation, but enjoy an enormous political influence in

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Performance Enhancing Drugs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Performance Enhancing Drugs - Essay Example Performance enhancing drug tests are stricter for male than for female athletes. There is a list of substances banned in males only. Differences between the reporting level for men and women are also acknowledged. The confusion over the nandrolone issue is exacerbated by claims that low concentrations of metabolites conferred no performance -enhancing effect and are due to the contamination of supplements. This conclusion from a single untimed urine sample could not be substantiated; the possibility that the result arose from the long-term use by injection of nandrolone may seem unlikely in the present climate of testing but evidence to the contrary had to be unequivocal (Dean, 2000). The number of positive test results has increased dramatically in recent years, but still, researcher admit that differences in male and female constitution prevent laboratories to identify illicit substances. OTC drugs, such as ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, are relatively less potent and non-selective than other stimulants, hence their availability without prescription. Following Bowers (1997) this lack of selectivity, with a concomitant likelihood of side-effects, especially if used in supratherapeutic doses, makes them less desirable as potential performance -enhancing drugs, since no improvement in performance has been found in the few research studies on these drugs. Another argument is that women may have illnesses that require them to take particular drugs. It indicates an increasing trend in its use as a performance -enhancing drug, since its pharmacological properties are likely to have adverse, rather than positive, effects on performance in most sports. Statistical results prove that women swimmers perform much better than men because of inadequate drug tests and differences between male and female constitution.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Philedelphia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Philedelphia - Essay Example Popularly known as the Global Exhibition of Arts, the culture associates with the manufacture of mine and soil products. The exhibition is the first most important universal Fair held in the United States, which took place on 10th May 1876 occupying a two hundred and eighty five acre tract of the Fairmount Park thus overlooking the river Schuylkill (Exhibition, 2012). The twenty seven year old German immigrant by the name of Hermann J. Schwarzmann had an opportunity to design the fairgrounds that he did exclusively. The ground hosted thirty seven nations and many industrial exhibitions which occupied over two hundred and fifty pavilions belonging to individuals (Exhibition, 2012). The exhibition attracted almost nine million visitors while the population of the United States was forty six million. The exhibition had a lasting accomplishment as there was the introduction of industrial Universal power in America. The industrial power concealed the potency and production of many industrialized nations. Philadelphia became the central city the industrial and cultural practices in America (Exhibition, 2012). The visitors attending the exhibition loomed the fairgrounds mostly from east by means of either horse-drawn trolley or the railway across the today Gerald Avenue Bridge (Exhibition, 2012). There was a glass and steel dome of the Memorial Hall on the Schuylkill river near the exhibition grounds whose flag- studded the towers of the major building grew as the wooded slope of Fairmount Park. The complete site and size of the structures are breathtaking in their natural setting (Exhibition, 2012). As advised, the visitors arrived from the Railway of Pennsylvania Depot recognized as the Parkside Avenue today. They were to arrive promptly for the opening at 9:00 AM, and they had to pay fifty cents for entrance

Friday, July 26, 2019

Operations Management of Z Mart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Operations Management of Z Mart - Essay Example Due to financial constraints, hiring extra staff to man counters is not possible. This case study will try to highlight potential areas of improvement in the management and organization of Z Mart to avoid late handling and bad customer experiences. Â  It is easier to visualize the problem if one considers the layout of the shop. The main entrance and exit have counters that bill customers for all their merchandise before they exit the shop. The billing section for electronic goods is at a distance from where the (Customer Service Managers) CSMs are stationed which partly accounts for the delay in handling customers payments. Â  On the basis of the manager’s notes, the current situation can be described as a busy discount store with a steady flow of customers and with 14 counters from where billing can be done. The electronics department is removed from the billing counters at the main entrance and has a couple of counters to bill goods bought at the electronics section. There are two customer service managers per shift. Any checks above $100 need to be cleared by them. This causes a problem as the process of checking out the customers is slow and there is an unnecessary glut of impatient customers queuing at the electronics counters. Â  The situation analysis needs to consider the current scenario and how the store manager and his team of sales representatives can add value to the Z Mart business and how the manager can make a good impression during his review. In this case study, the manager needs to first identify his areas of concern and plan strategically so that he can enhance efficiency without incurring additional overheads expenditure.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

1.Use an example of your choice to discuss how corporate restructuring Essay

1.Use an example of your choice to discuss how corporate restructuring transformed market, productive and financial performance - Essay Example However it should also be noted that the excessively managed organization of the company was another reason that can be attributed to this chronic stage which led to the complete restructuring process (Denis and Kruse, 2000; Baek, Kang and Park, 2004; Bae, Kang and Kim, 2002). Given the fact that Caterpillar Inc realized consistent profits over the course of its operation, the internal issues that escalated within the organization itself were overlooked and the company started lagging behind in terms of gathering information regarding he external environment. Following this, Caterpillar Inc became completely out of touch from the market realities. Thereafter when the international economy came under recession, the flawed structure of the company was not able to mitigate the challenges of the external environment and consequently became an attractive target for many of its competitors. The arguments mentioned above will be set forth throughout the essay according to the following stru cture: In the beginning the insinuation of the market maturity for the company (Caterpillar Inc) will be determined through the Product Life Cycle theoretical framework. Thereafter, Michael Porter’s five forces analysis will be done in order to assess the level of competition that the company faces which might provide the researcher with a valuable insight about the forces that compelled the company to go through a complete restructuring phase. Following that an in-depth analysis of the company’s original structure will be conducted in order to develop an understanding of the internal problems that weakened the company’s opportunities to prosper. The restructuring process of the company will thereafter be studied in order to understand the impact of the process on the company’s performance in terms of market, production, finance and efficiency. Finally a generalized conclusion will be provided

Disease Genetic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Disease Genetic - Essay Example Genetic diseases are caused by gene mutations, genetic and environmental factors, and chromosomal errors (NG, Zazove, Sobel. Genes are a part of DNA, which carry codes for proteins, responsible for performing vital functions in the body. Any alteration of the gene is called mutation. It distorts the structure of proteins they encode, disrupting their function and causing diseases. Single-gene disorders results from mutation in a single gene. Multiple gene mutations coupled with environmental factors lead to multi-factorial disorders. Another cause of genetic disorders is chromosomal errors. Chromosomes are structures that carry DNA and genes. Errors such as change in the number of chromosomes cause genetic diseases. An excess or lack of chromosomes results in inappropriate numbers of genes which eventually affects bodily functions. Also, at times, parts of chromosomes are missing or transfer between chromosomes, which lead to diseases. Moreover, mutations can occur in the chromosomes of mitochondria; organelles responsible for cellular respiration, and cause problems such as

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Innovation in health issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Innovation in health issues - Essay Example This research uses internal locus embedded with Precede Proceed Model to make children believe that obesity can be controlled through internal efforts rather blaming external factors like cultural and social issues. As discussed in the literature review, childhood obesity in the 5th grade of Latino community from 1-12 years of age in the Long Beach area is on a rise mainly because of the socio-economic and cultural factors. Precede Proceed Model will be used to deal with the obesity problem. The Precede Proceed Model consists of eight phases where four are planning phases, one is implementation phase, and the remaining 3 are evaluation phases. The first phase of the model will talk about the social diagnosis by assessing the quality of life of children through personal interaction and assessment of weight and diet. The second phase will assess the health problem by assessing other health issues through medical tests. The third phase, behavioural and environmental diagnosis will inves tigate the food choices of children and their daily activities along with identifying the impact of the environment by investigating the access to healthy food, family influence, and proximity of food joints. The fourth phase, educational and organsiational diagnosis will deal with predisposing factors like perceived risk by communicating the same to children’s parents along with using reinforcing factors like arranging for healthcare providers and using their advice and suggestions to deal with the obesity issue.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Government office and its customer service Essay

Government office and its customer service - Essay Example However, the government has been criticized because of its inefficiency that arises from influences of the politicians that are interested in keeping power via investment. The DPS has been too aggressive because it is one of the significant partners in the government. This was criticized because it caused delay in the privatization of the national telecoms carrier. Further, it caused inefficiency in the tobacco company that forced serious restructuring of government. The DPS’s ethnic of the Turkish constituency has a significant interest in the tobacco sector, and during 2007, it was criticized of frustrating the sale of tobacco under the successor government. According to Cohen, Eimicke, and Heikkila (10), the government, especially DPS has been moving to modernize its capability to offer fast, high quality customer service, but it lags behind the private sector. The government is viewed as wasteful and corrupt when offering the resources required in a different office. This has affected the credibility and even the possibility of efforts to organize, legalize and plan the customer services. Meanwhile, the government has lost its image as an institution where people can do well and serve their fellow customers. The government employees have suffered an essential decline in status in the recent years due to increase of negative perception from public. It has been criticized because it lacks methods to convince customers to effect change and improve their lives via working in government offices. The government’s forceful effort to attack the pentagon has not significantly changed the common perceptions of government. According to Cohen, Eimicke, and Heikkila (5), the focus on tax cut and downsizing the customers have increased the criticism of government because it finds more difficult to respond to crisis of persistent public problems. This is caused by the inefficiencies in the government budgeting and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Encountering Conflict Essay Example for Free

Encountering Conflict Essay Encountering Conflict Conflict can both crush people and inspire people to greater heights. Conflict presents itself in various forms; it can occur in different places, can be intentional or unexpected and affect people in diverse ways. To survive people then need to develop coping mechanisms to overcome or at least begin their Journey of recovery. If they cannot do this, then they will not be able to move on. Conflict is a subject that everyone in the world faces on a day to day basis, but at different levels and emotions. Conflict can be exceptionally heart wrenching, by tearing people and amilies apart. But these wounds motivate many inspiring people who then make a difference. Conflict is a part of life; it cannot be avoided or put on hold. People from all around the world deal with conflict, in various ways and it affects people to a different extent. Throughout life, people may experience many conflicting situations, some are built by little ongoing problems, some explode and are left to dissolve, others are blown apart the pieces scattered, never to be put back together again. Conflict has been exposed and expressed in many films, novels and songs over the ears. The documentary Omagh by Pete Travis is an example of the devastation that conflict can wreck on lives. The film explains how conflict can affect innocent lives. For hundreds of years there has been tension between the Catholic Irish and Protestant English. This began as Ireland divided as a country due to religion but the tension increased with British interference in Northern Ireland. The documentary focuses on one specific event within the conflict which was the bombing in the Omagh high street. This caused 29 deaths and 220 injuries, of innocent people. The result left amilies crushed, broken hearted and dealing with their own conflict for a long time. The root of this devastation was religion; the Catholic Irish and Protestant English have fought for many years. Ironically the purpose of religion is to create peace, where as in Omagh it was the primary cause and branch of all the conflict. A very similar ongoing religious conflict is the fight for homeland between the Jewish and Zions (Israel and Palestinians conflict). The Jewish were sent from Israeli homelands many hundreds of years ago, but since have suffered persecution in Europe and now ish to return to their religious homeland of Israel. This however has been met with aggression by Palestinians and the Arab nations who now inhabit the area. Like the tension in Northern Ireland, peace is a long and painful patch to find. Conflict that has dwelled upon innocent lives has an impact on others who believe it should be brought to Justice. 1. 2 the Irish band wrote a song to express their feelings of their anger in response to the devastation in Omagh. One verse that stands out is: And the battles Just begun Theres many lost, but tell me who has won The trench is dug within our hearts And mothers, children, brothers, sisters torn apart. This particular verse links with the concept that conflict can devastate innocent people and their families, which are then being torn apart by the religion and also politicians in Omagh they did nothing. Thus people, like 132, stand up so hopefully the politicians can see that the conflict that has happened is still wounding many people lives, and that only they can bring it to Justice. So, conflict is a piece of everyones lives, even though you may shun conflict, it can come up unexpectedly. Omagh is an example of how conflict can be unexpected and totally crush lives. Conflict can also inspire people to create better lives for themselves and those around them. Kate Miller-Heidke wrote the song Caught in Crowd about a real story of lingering childhood regret. She wanted to raise awareness to people across the world, especially adolescents, of how bullying and peer pressure are causes of conflict. The song is about a relationship growing between a teenage girl and an outcast boy who is often bullied. It discusses how both had similarities, for example they both dealt ith conflict at home. Towards the end it talks about the boy getting thrown to the ground and him shouting out to her to help him. But she turned her back, and Just walked away. Kate Miller-Heidke encountered conflict and regrets the decision she made. Now she is motivated to make sure people of the younger generation do not make the same decision she made. Like Kate Miller- Heidke, Michael Gallagher, the father of Aidan Gallagher who was killed in the Omagh bombing wanted create a more satisfying life for himself, but also wanted to raise awareness that murders ere not being brought to Justice. He set up an Omagh Support and Self Help Group, which since 1998 have not stopped their fght. They have protested outside IRA meetings, written to the English Prime Minister and have talked to numerous newspapers but nothing has happened in relation towards the terrorist. In 2002, Michael Gallagher stated what happened in Omagh is still capable of happening in other towns. Because of him he has taught the world many lessons; the most important is never to give up on a Just cause Traumatic conflict can motivate people o immense heights, which can make an inspiring difference to our world today. Like Michael Gallagher, Glen McGrath lost a loved one and has not stopped fighting for what he believes in since his personal conflict. His wife, Jane was diagnosed with breast cancer. Jane McGrath had a passionate belief that every woman diagnosed with breast cancer in Australia should be able to benefit from the support of a specialist breast care nurse. Therefore, together they started up the McGrath Foundation in 2002. An additional aim of the project was to increase the awareness f breast cancer in younger women. Jane passed away at the age of 41 . Glen McGrath is more determined and devoted to the McGrath foundation by the inspiration of his loving wife. This proves that conflict can really touch people which motivates them to make a change, encouraging them to greater heights. These people have so much strength, their experiences power them on. Encountering painful conflict can bring out the best in people such as the old saying What doesnt kill us makes us stronger suggests people acknowledge they ave made a difference in the world and become satisfied. This is the beginning to the start of their Journey to recovery or acceptance. In the movie Omagh, Michael Gallagher, his wife and two daughters have not stopped fghting for the loss of their son, who was killed in the bombing. This tragedy caused conflict between the family, but they have learnt that they need to stick together to succeed their mission of family close, them standing up for what they believe in has helped them start their journey of recovery with each other. Another inspiration for making something out of terrible situation is in the novel Triage by Scott Anderson, the character Joaquin Morales managed to escape his village that was invaded. Joaquin lost his family dealing with the conflict of losing his family and survivors guilt. Joaquin become a psychologist for war criminals, hoping to change them and make them realise what monstrosities they caused. This would save many lives and hopefully bring peace to Spain. This experience helped Joaquin to begin his Journey of acceptance of what had happen to him. Joaquin quoted Im still here. Im still smiling meaning that he has learnt to live with himself after encountering conflict, which motivated him in saving many lives. Conflict is a subject that everyone in the world deals with everyday, from light issues to vigorous intensities. Conflict is incredibly powerful, it can tear people apart but it also brings the best out of many inspirational humans. Conflict can motivate people to extreme lengths which can make a huge difference in the world. These differences also help the individual to deal and maybe even overcome their own conflict.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Concept Of Strategy According To Henry Mintzberg Business Essay

Concept Of Strategy According To Henry Mintzberg Business Essay According to Henry Mintzberg in his 1994 book The Rise and fall of Strategic planning focused on strategy being used by people in different ways. The commonly used strategic ways are as follows: Strategy is a Plan: This describes the word How which allows achieving your target/ goal from one end to the other. Strategy is a Pattern: It is a pattern in terms of actions delivered for example a company uses high end strategy to market expensive products to maintain standard, Quality and supersede competitors. Strategy is a Perspective: a vision that provides direction to achieve outcomes. Strategy is a Position: it reflects the decisions involved in the deliverance of the organizations service/product in a particular market. Concept of strategy according to Michael Porter Michael Porter in his 1996 Harvard Business Review article and 1986 book, Competitive Strategy points out that competitive strategy is all about being different and unique. He added, It means deliberately choosing a different set of activities to deliver a unique mix of value The basic concept of strategy comes from a military background and it is now widely practiced in a variety of business. The adoption of the strategic concept from that of the military into the business was considered to be easy as it was modest. As in the military and likewise in the business, strategy is bridging the gap between tactics and policy. Being very specific in defining strategy is not easy as the different perspectives on strategy vary. Thus a very broad conception of strategy according to De Wit and Meyer in their book (2010), Strategy, Process, Content, Context, is, A course of action for achieving an organizations purpose STRATEGY PROCESS: Strategic Management is a process which is lead by different ways. According to many other text books including De Wit and Meyer (2010) the Strategy process is a linear progression trough a number of distinct steps. As in this competitive market organizations tend to go through a process in order to achieve best outcomes. This process is divided into different stages which includes, strategy analysis, strategy formulation and implementation stage. The report evaluates the three strategy dichotomies of the strategy process contained in the following perspectives: Strategic thinking Strategic formation Strategic renewal Figure -1: Strategy process and its Aspects. STRATEGIC THINKING (Logic vs. Creativity) A lot goes on in the mind of a strategist prior to the process of strategy implementation. Strategists are constantly engaged with problems during the strategic process. These paradoxes that arise during the strategic process can be challenging in different situations and the right type of action taken to resolve them. According to the Rational or logical reasoning perspective the demand and need of constant market analysis and its capacity assumed to gain advantage from the market should be based on actual facts. Logical thinking will provide a better understanding of the opportunities and threats upon critical analysis of the environment. Creative thinking is the opposite of logical thinking as a logical thinker will only be able to draw conclusions on success of strong arguments thus the thinking is limited and based on formal rules where as creative thinking does not have set boundaries and the thinker can think beyond the set rules and draw conclusion. Creative thinking gives a bigger picture and vision for the future created in the real sense. It holds a higher risk but often needed when identifying and diagnosing strategic problems. As creative thinking and logical thinking are opposite, the demand of both can be contradictory yet they are needed at the same time, (DeWit and Meyer, 2010). The best example of creative thinking is Apple Inc case study (DeWit and Meyer 2010) as their strategy involves creative innovative products and service in the competitive market. (Refer Appendix A). STRATEGY FORMATION (Deliberateness vs. Emergence) It is the process which determines the steps formed by organizations or individuals prior to its action. The process by which an intended strategy is created is called Strategy formulation (DeWit and Meyer 2010). Mainly top positions in an organization is responsible for strategy production. Managers do not only get themselves involved in the process of strategy formation but also in the ways it will be strategically implemented. When we think strategically we examine that deliberateness and emergence in the process of strategy formation cannot be kept apart. The major fact with strategy is that it deals with both, the plans made for the future and the process to implement those plans to achieve the aims demanding flexibility and adaptability. Deliberate strategy is more towards logical thinking and reflects the formal process of strategic planning and is based on actual facts, but the future is unpredictable and it becomes a foremost need of organizations to deliver their actions an d adapt according to the unfolding circumstances providing them opportunity of experimentation and trails in a particular market. A strong interconnection of such strategy is observed in the example of UPS case study (DeWit and Meyer 2010), (Refer Appendix B). STRATEGIC RENEWAL (Revolution vs. Evolution) When we talk about competitive markets in this changing world, dynamic environment, new technologies, transforming economics and customer demand all aspects are subject to constant changes in a challenging environment. For an organization to meet challenges and face threats in the market it is important to implement strategic changes to remain in harmony with the external environment. (DeWit and Meyer 2010). A change that breaks the old framework is said to be Revolutionary change and the change that is incremental is referred to as gradual change. Both the approaches are vitally essential in reshaping organizations despite of having conflicting qualities.

The bluetooth technology

The bluetooth technology Abstract: Bluetooth Technology has been widely spreading every single day due to its availability in most of the electronic devices that are dominant nowadays. As any other technology, when widespread, will have a huge impact on the users and societies. In our study, we will search the impact of Bluetooth technology on the society. To get a realistic knowledge, a survey contains 10 questions on our topic was conducted. 100 people from Multimedia University and Limkokwing University were randomly chosen to participate in our survey. In addition, we relied on other sources such as the internet to collect information regarding our topic. From our study we have found that, the spreading of the Bluetooth technology has made life easier. As any other technology Bluetooth is, sometimes, used in a negative way and consequently has a negative influence. Acknowledgement: We would, firstly, like to thank our God who gave us the ability to accomplish this research. Secondly, many thanks to our EHM 3066, Engineers and society, subject lecturers who have been giving us a very good example of diligence and hard work. We send our gratitude to the participants who have participated in our questionnaire and given us from their precious time. Thanks to our families, friends and all our beloved people who has always given us the inspiration to be successful. We would finally thank our institution, the Faculty of Engineering (FOE), Multimedia University. 1.0 Introduction: Technology is considered to be the mount to climb up and attain the desired degree of development of a society. Man has been trying to facilitate his life through inventions and innovation. He first invented the â€Å"wheel† and hasnt stopped so far. He lately invaded other planets. Telecommunication means, when computerized, played a very important role in spreading data which enabled scientists utilize the outcome of other scientistsresearches and that lead to more and more advancement in various fields of science and thus more technical devices. These devices didnt have the present shape. A lot of effort was exerted in the process of betterment with regard to performance, size and ease of use. This trial is to have a clear idea of how Bluetooth technology is affecting the society and our lives. 1.1 Overview of Bluetooth: In the striving for reduction of cables between computers and their connected units, Ericson Mobile Communication, in 1994, started the project named and named it Bluetooth. What is Bluetooth? Bluetooth is the name of a new technology that is now becoming widespread on a commercial basis. It promises to change significantly the way we use machines. Instead of using cables to transmit data between components of a PC,for example, the printer, the mouse and so on, a small and cheap radio chip to be plugged into these components will do the job. In short it is a Cable-replacement technology. The name was first used as a code name, but it stuck as time passed. It is named after the 10th Danish King, Herald Bluetooth, who had united Scandinavian Europe at a time it was severely divided. The founders of the Bluetooth technology found the name fitting as the Bluetooth technology is able to unite various industries like cellphone, computing and automotive markets. By Bluetooth technology one is able to simplify and combine several forms of wireless communication into a single, safe, power-saver, inexpensive, globally available radio frequency. 2.0 Bluetooth Mechanism: By embedding short-range transceivers that are inexpensive and tiny, into new electronic devices that are available nowadays, Bluetooth achieves its goal. In addition to three voice channels, Bluetooth can transfer data at data transferring speed up to 721 Kbps. As Bluetooth operates on radio band, at frequency of 2.45 GHz, that is unlicensed and globally available, people or â€Å"international travelers† have no obstructions to use Bluetooth-enabled equipment. Moreover, Bluetooth units might be either externally adapted or built into electronics devices. E.g. in a personal computer, Bluetooth devices can be built into the motherboard as a PC card or on the other hand it can be used as an external Bluetooth adaptor through connecting it to a USB port. From the IEEE 802 standard, each Bluetooth device has its own 48-bit address. One feature is that connections are not only point to point, but they can also be multipoint connections. Usually, Bluetooth devices have a maximum ra nge of connection up to 10 meters. However, by increasing the power, the range of connection might be extended to 100 meters. Bluetooth devices have a technique called frequency hopping. The main purpose of this technique is to protect the devices from radio interference. The mechanism of the technique is that Bluetooth devices change arbitrarily their frequency maximally 1600 times/s. when an error occurs, it will be immediately corrected by the three complimentary error correction schemes that any Bluetooth device has. Bluetooth devices are also provided with built in verification and encryption. When Bluetooth devices are in a â€Å"hold† mode they consume approximately 30 micro Amperes from the battery of the electronic devices, such as cell phones and laptops, while they consume a range of 8 to 30 milliamps, less than one tenth of a watt, when they are in the active transmission mode. Moreover, only 0.3 mA are consumed by the radio chip, when in a standby mode, which means that its less than 3 % of the power that is used by a mobile phone. Also, the radio chip has an excellent power-saving feature that is as soon as the traffic volume lessens, the chip shifts automatically to a low-power mode. The above indicates that Bluetooth devices do not drain precious battery life. But beyond un-tethering devices by replacing the cables, Bluetooth devices can form a small and private ad hoc grouping of devices that are away from fixed network infrastructures by providing universal bridges. These bridges are to connect between a device, data networks and a peripheral interface. Furthermore, noisy radio frequency environment does not affect Bluetooth devices since they are designed to use a scheme called frequency hopping scheme and as well as a fast acknowledgment in order to make the link active and strong. After sending or receiving a packet, Bluetooth radio modules keep away from interference from other radio signals by jumping â€Å"hopping† to a new frequency. The Bluetooth radio uses shorter packets and jumps â€Å"hops† faster than other systems that are operating in the identical frequency band the thing that makes the Bluetooth radio more active and stronger than other systems. In addition, these fast hopping from a frequency to another an d the short packages decrease the impact of domestic microwave ovens. Random noise may affect long-distance links. However, Forward Error Correction (FEC) is used to eliminate this impact. The encoding is, then ideal for an uncoordinated environment. At the bit level, Bluetooth security is guaranteed. Users can control the authentication by using a 128 bit key where radio signals are coded with 8 to 128 bits. The Bluetooth radio transmissions match the safety standards that are required by the countries where the technology is used with respect to the effects of radio transmissions on the human body. Bluetooth enabled devices emissions are less than those from industry-standard cordless phones. Also, Bluetooth module do not interfere, cause harm or even affect public or private telecommunications network. 2.1 Bluetooth Operation Modes: A feature of Bluetooth technology is that, once the Bluetooth devices come in range of each other, they will instantly form networks between each other.Another feature is that a number of devices can be connected together via Bluetooth in an ad hoc form. This feature is technically known as â€Å"Piconet†. In a piconet two or more devices can be connected together. A scatter net can be formed by multiple independent and non-synchronized piconets. Moreover, any device that is in a piconet can be a member of another piconet through a technique called time multiplexing. This techniques mechanism is to share the time suitably, thus a device can be a member of two or more piconets. As Bluetooth system supports multi-point connections as well as point to point connections, Bluetooth devices can be connected to a maximum of another 7 points, a point to multipoint connection. Every piconet has different frequency hopping sequence and hence a number of piconets may be created and linked together. All users that are sharing onepiconet are synchronized piconets hopping sequence. A Bluetooth device uses different hopping sequence when the device is connected to two or more piconets where a piconet starts with 2 connected devices, e.g a laptop and a mobile phone, and may grow to 8 connected devices . All Bluetooth devices have the same implementations. However, there are two types of unites in a piconet which are master units and slave units.A master unit is the unit which synchronizes the other devices by its clock and hopping sequence, where the other devices in the piconet are called slave units. In order to differentiate between units participating in the piconet, a 3-bit MAC address is used. When a unit does not have a MAC address, it is called a park unit. Park units are usually synchronized. Anyway, since parked units have an 8 bit address, a maximum of 256 parked units may be existed. 3.0 Bluetooths positive impact: 3.1 Huge Impact: What could the practical use of Bluetooth be on Society? Well, it is unlimited and depends on the way it is used. From a practical viewpoint, we can adapt all computerized Have a look at the list below! Printers Desktop and laptop computers Modems LAN access units devices Phones and pagers Headsets Keyboards joysticks Notebook computers Practically, most of the digital devices can be a part of the system of Bluetooth. The dynamic of Bluetooths connectivity nature has the ability to replace USB (Universal Serial Bus). A Bluetooth-mouse can be in existence by using the improved plug-and-play-systems. The installation can take effect after the operating system is rebooted. 3.2 Bluetooths Applications 3.2.1Bluetooth and the Internet One of the most important advantages of Bluetooth is that it enables you to connect a device provided with internet connectivity to another device that is not. E.g. you might connect your hand phone that has a built-in Bluetooth to your laptop that has a Wi-Fi via Bluetooth connection. Then, via you laptops Wi-Fi, if exists, to a Wi-Fi router. Once your laptop is connected to the internet you can enable your hand phone to be connected to the internet as well. Moreover, this example goes correctly to most of the devices that have Bluetooth technology not only hand phones.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Buying a device that has a Wi-Fi or buying another that has a Bluetooth technology is sometimes a confusing choice. One may think that by choosing Bluetooth he/she will not be able to connect to the internet and in this case choosing a Wi-Fi would be better.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  However, this is not such a really correct choice. Since, from the above example, you can modify your device to get connected to the internet via the Bluetooth technology purchasing a device that has a Bluetooth technology is a better choice as you can get two technologies in one ; internet connectivity (the function of Wi-Fi is achieved) and Bluetooth technology. 3.2.2 Some Other Applications: A Bluetooth-mouse could be used at a further distance from a monitor, and while moving about in the room. A Bluetooth-keyboard could be used further away from the monitor. This would reduce eye-strain for persons who are long-sighted. Increasing the distance would also reduce exposure to electromagnetic radiation from the monitor. A Bluetooth-keyboard could also be used to address more than one computer, in a dynamic, switchless manner. You can use your e-mail while your laptop lies in a briefcase; when your laptop receives an E-mail your mobile phone will immediately alert you and then, you can read the received e-mails in your mobile phones display. A businessman may enable his laptop to find a suitable printer once he enters a company.As soon as a suitable printer is found, data will be sent from the laptop to that printer via Bluetooth connection to print it out. Make a connection to printers and faxes without messy cables. Wireless connection to video projectors and digital cameras. An easy and elegance connection from cell phone to handsfree headset. A useful connection between Bluetooth interface to office private branch exchange (PBX). Smooth creating of dial up networks and automatic e-mail. Use mobile phones as office wireless phones. Use of personal computers or PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) as hands-free phone. Automatic transferring and swapping of files, software, electronic business cards, calendars etc. Dancing couples at a dance hall could receive the music through their headsets and pick the dance of their choice Not to mention many more to come. 3.3The influence of the Bluetooth technology on Society: Thanks to the Bluetooth technology, a wireless LAN (Local Area Network) can be implemented without wires. This means that all the functions of a conventional fixed LAN are available in a WLAN including file sharing, peripheral sharing, Internet access and many more. 3.3.1 Mobility and low cost: Mobility and cost-saving installation are the main advantages of wireless networks in society. Most of the application scenarios of wireless are related to these two features. Mobility enables users to roam on while being connected to backbone networks. Many jobs require wandering workers. Portable computers are indispensable for people like inventory clerks, healthcare workers, police officers, and emergency-care specialists. Wireless networking provides important cost savings in the areas where cables cannot be easily installed, such as historical buildings and residential houses. In distant sites, branch offices and other situations where on-site networking expertise might not be available or fast networking is needed, computers equipped with wireless LANs can be pre-configured and shipped ready to use. 3.3.2 Circulation of Information: The wireless local area network business has been focused on offices since the industry began. But recently, home networking is seen to be a fast growing market. The personal computer has become a powerful platform for education, entertainment, information access and personal finance applications. At home, with the wide use of PCs and the Internet becoming the main way to access information, the role of the PCs has expanded and will continue to expand especially in the area of education. On the social side, this means that wireless networks is the easy way to access internet, find information and at the same time the users gain more knowledge through browsing the internet. 3.3.3Avoiding wire tangle Bluetooth is also one of the examples of using wireless range other than PDA and etc. The objective of Bluetooth technology is to replace cables and infrared links used to connect unrelated electronic devices with one universal short-range radio link. 3.4 Industrial boom Bluetooth applications reflect the mobile phone industry background of the inventors of some famous phone models for example Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola and many more. There are many useful things that Bluetooth had given to our society. 3.5 Information Interchange In meetings and conferences, users can share information instantly with all participants without any wired connections. 3.6 Convenience: A user can also cordlessly run and control, for instance, a projector, or can connect his headset to his laptop or any wired connection to keep hands free for more important tasks while in the office, home or in the car. When laptop receives an email, the user will get an alert on mobile phone. Users can also browse all incoming emails and read those selected on the mobile phones display. Public Bluetooth wireless access points could enable free or charged access to information and services through laptop computers and PDAs. For example, imagine being able to browse the catalog of a public library on your handheld PC as soon as you enter the building. Or, imagine how helpful it would be to have instant PDA access to a building map and to customized real-time flight arrival and departure data as you make your way through a busy airport. Consider the convenience of having automatic, wireless access to a shared hotel printer as you make last-minute changes to a presentation in your hote l room. 3.7 Productive and Time saver: In a Bluetooth-enabled business world, the cellular phone could provide a link to everything beyond the 10-meter range limitation. Without even removing their Bluetooth-enabled cell phone from their briefcase or luggage, mobile professionals would be able to check voice mail, send a fax, receive email, verify inventory levels, and surf the Internet through their laptop computers. This would extend the concept of anytime, anywhere data access well beyond the current standard of cell phones and beepers. 3.8More Freedom: In considering the above scenarios, some may argue that the access of Wireless LAN would increase our freedoms and improve our professional lives because it allowing us to decide when and where we do our work. Wireless certainly has the potential to improve society, and our personal and professional lives in various ways. It gave us many advantages. 4.0 Negative Impact: The convenience of Bluetooth technology cannot be denied, but neither can the way they have negatively impacted daily living. Some of the effects can be dispensed with if boundaries are set. Here we will discuss some negative impact of Bluetooth. 4.1 Violation of Privacy: Mobile phones and PCs usually contain private stuff such as family pictures, bank account numbers, passwords and so on. Unfortunately, these devices are able to be hacked by Bluetooth. The hacker sends a user a file (lets say an image), when received, it will be opened as a usual image where actually it has a built in hacking software. Once the user opens the image, the hacker will be able to control the users device. 4.2 Sabotage: In the same way as downloading from the internet, transferring data via Bluetooth may harm your device if the data contain viruses. The strength of the viruses varies from one to another; some viruses are easy to be removed while some viruses totally damage the device once they reach the device. 4.3 Health Damage: While the topic remains controversial, there are people who believe the microwave radiation the phones emit can cause such problems as cancer and Alzheimers disease from prolonged use. 4.4 Use in inappropriate places: Using Bluetooth to transfer data in inappropriate places is considered to be harmful and such behavior expresses a negative attitude. E.g. Students in a classroom may get busy transferring data via Bluetooth using their hand phones while their lecturer is giving a lecture. 4.5 Sleazy Contents: A child or a teen-ager may innocently receive a file that contains sexual or immoral contents which are not suitable for their age. 5.0 Conclusion and Recommendation: This project was done to assess the impact of Bluetooth technology on the society in the near future. We have investigated in how and why Bluetooth technology has widely spread and what impact that Bluetooth technology has been giving. In addition, we have explained in details the reasons of this impact. Mainly, the bases we had for this report are from a survey that we have done on 100 students and lecturers from the whole population of Multimedia University and Limkokwing University, Cyberjaya campuses. We used the collected data from this survey to explore the impact of Bluetooth technology on the society as we used MMU and Limkokwing Universities as small societies. We have heavily used the internet to collect information about Bluetooth technology and also to find out its impact on other societies. Why our survey was on only 100 people is that, making a survey on a bigger number of people would be expensive and time consuming. This report might be useful to social specialists to find out why some technologies have more interest on people, Bluetooth developers as they can decrease the negative impact of this technology, and to other people who are interested in the relationship between the technology and the society. Future researchers who are going to do a research on the same topic should keep this in mind, this research has been done based on a questionnaire that was made on people who have almost the same range of age as most of them are university students. Future researchers who have a wider research ranges can make their research on different age ranges. The results of the survey showed that 90 % of the people, who have answered the survey, have Bluetooth-enabled devices. The reason of this huge number of Bluetooth users is that, most of the new electronic devices that are available nowadays have Bluetooth technology. Moreover, about 25 % of the participants, who have Bluetooth-enabled devices, have faced negative impact of Bluetooth technology such as getting hacked or received viruses during data transfer. The reason is that most of them didnt know that Bluetooth may carry viruses or hacking software when data is transferred. Even though Bluetooth technology is widely spread so far, we think it will make life easier and more effective if it is spread on a wider range. For example, providing Bluetooth connection in universities laboratories would make data transferring between researchers, students or lecturers easier. However, care must be taken when using data transfers via Bluetooth since data may have viruses or hacking software. A good solution is to use anti-virus and anti-hacker software. Moreover, children and teenagers have to be watched when using Bluetooth-enabled devices. References: Book: Christian Gehrmann(2004), Bluetooth Security, Artech House Publishers Robert Morrow(2002), Bluetooth : Operation and Use, McGraw-Hill Professional (Telecommunications) Tom Siep (2000), An IEEE Guide: How to Find What You Need in the Bluetooth Spec, Institute of Electrical Online article: Pyramid Media Group, Inc Constantly Connected: Beyond WiFi and Bluetooth, Articles from magazines: Clive Akass (28 Jan, 2006), Bluetooth to hit 100Mbits/sec, Pc Magazine pp. 41-42 Michael Kwan (Thursday April 6, 2006), Jabra shows off Bluetooth goods at CTIA, Mobile Magazine pp. 23 Appendices: Appendix A: Survey on Bluetooth and its Impact on Society in the near future: Topic: Bluetooth and its impact on the society in the near future We are from EHM 3066 (Engineers and society) class. We are conducting a mini survey regarding the Bluetooth and its impact on society in the near future. Kindly spend a few minutes to answer this questionnaire. Your answers will be kept confidential. We would like to express our advanced gratitude for your co-operation. Instruction: Please TICK (v) in the appropriate boxes or write your responses in the given space: Survey on Bluetooth and its Impact on Society in the near future: We a group of students We would like to kindly invite you to participate in this survey to help us gain valuable information of the Blueooth and its impact on society in the near future. Please tick or write your responses in the given space. A- GENDER omale ofemale B- AGE o18-24 o25-30 o30-35 Other : ____ C- Occupation Do you have any Bluetooth-enabled device? oYes oNo If your answer is yes, what kind of device that you have is equipped with Bluetooth? oHand phone or Personal digital assistance (PDA) oLaptop oPersonal Computer o I dont have oOther : _________ how often do you use bluetooth? onever osometimes ooften oalways What kind of data/file that you use Bluetooth to transfer? oImage oMusic oDocument oSyncronisation Give your opinion on what impact of the Bluetooth on the societ is? Do you support the idea of installing Bluetooth devices in all computers in your company/university Computer Lab in order to increase the usage of Bluetooth? ?Yes ?No Have you known that Bluetooth-enabled devices are able to receive viruses and to get hacked? ?Yes ?No Have you ever got your Bluetooth-enabled device hacked by Bluetooth? ?Yes ?No Have you ever received unwanted data by unknown people ? ?Yes ?No How often do you get busy using Bluetooth to transfer data with another person in places such as classrooms or while you are driving? onever osometimes ooften oalways

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Growing Anger :: essays research papers

A Growing Anger   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"A Poison Tree† by William Blake describes the growing anger in a man because of his hatred for an adversary. Blake compares the growing of anger to the growth and the budding of a tree. Blake also makes allusions to the story of betrayal by Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden when they eat from the sacred tree.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the poem, the narrator is describing his constantly growing anger towards his adversary, which Blake compares to the growth of a tree. Just as a tree needs sunlight to grow his anger needed a source of energy which happened to be his foe who he hates with a passion. The anger grows uncontrollably, although he tries to trick his feelings and pretend to be happy but still his anger grows. It grows until it reaches the point where an apple sprouts up from the tree, which his adversary will eat and ultimately die from, thus giving the tree its â€Å"poison† in the dangerous fruit. Blake’s poem also follows the same story line as the story of Adam & Eve eating the fruit and getting kicked out of the Garden of Eden. In the poem the adversary sneaks into the garden and steals an apple, which he does not know has been spawned by the hatred of the narrator. The foe proceeds to eating the fruit, which causes him to die under the tree he stole the fruit from. Just as in the story, Satan in the form of a serpent sneaks into Eden and tempts Eve into eating the sacred fruit which she knows not to eat. She does eat from it and takes it to Adam for him to eat from and consequently God throws them out of Eden for disobeying his commands.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Shakespeares Hamlet - The Ghost Of Hamlet’s Father Essay -- GCSE Engl

The Ghost Of Hamlet’s Father      Ã‚   What would Shakespeare’s tragedy, Hamlet, be like without the character of the Ghost? The drama simple wouldn’t BE! The Ghost, though not a human character in most senses of the word, is crucial for the development of the play. This essay will analyze this interesting character.    Frank Kermode in â€Å"Hamlet† fits the Ghost into the local and national scene:    But meanwhile the ghost – â€Å"this thing† – has appeared. (Horatio as skeptic raises questions as to its status which could have been avoided.) There has been speculation as to its purpose, but one thing seems sure: it has to do with the state of the nation – it   â€Å"bodes some strange eruption to our state† – and with the armaments drive now in progress under the threat from Norway. That it genuinely has to do with the state of the nation – its spiritual rather than its merely political state – we shall learn; and to give us a â€Å"musical’ sense that this is so, there is the unexpected speech about Christmas. (1138)    The Ghost means more than a commentary on the spiritual and political state of the nation. Gunnar Boklund’s   â€Å"Judgment in Hamlet† introduces the Ghost in terms of the dilemma of the protagonist:      It is a commonplace to refer to Hamlet’s â€Å"dilemma† and a critical problem to explain in what this dilemma consists. A natural way to come to terms with the problem is obviously through the character that forces the dilemma upon Hamlet, that is to say, the Ghost. This is a particularly attractive approach, since it promises to bring the findings of modern research into Elizabethan demonology to bear directly upon the question of the nature of the Ghost and its message. It was apparently generally believed, a... .... San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Masks of Hamlet. Newark, NJ: University of Delaware Press, 1992.    Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995.    Ward & Trent, et al. The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1907–21; New York:, 2000    West, Rebecca. â€Å"A Court and World Infected by the Disease of Corruption.† Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Court and the Castle. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1957.    Wilkie, Brian and James Hurt. â€Å"Shakespeare.† Literature of the Western World. Ed. Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1992.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Energy, Society, and Climate Change :: Preservation Wildlife Essays

Energy, Society, and Climate Change The topic of my presentation was the proposal to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. This controversial proposal has come into the forefront of U.S. energy policy in the past year with the Bush administration advocating its approval to open the previously undisturbed habitat of the Refuge to oil exploration. In my presentation, I gave a basic overview of U.S. oil usage, a brief history of drilling on the North Slope, the formation of ANWR, the potential pros and cons of drilling in the Refuge, and concluded by citing other means of oil management that would by far offset any temporary gains by ANWR drilling. I began my presentation by giving some statistics on the annual consumption rate of oil in the United States. In 2001, the United States consumed over 19 billion barrels of oil per day, which comes out to 7 billion barrels of oil annually. ( This 7 billion barrel annual consumption rate makes up over 25% of the yearly world consumption rate of 24 billion barrels. The United States produces domestically about half of the oil it consumes, with the other half being imported, with half of the imports coming from OPEC countries. Stated simply, 25% of the oil the United States consumes annually is imported from OPEC countries, the other 25% of oil imported comes from non-OPEC countries such as Canada, with the United States using its own reserves for the remaining 50% of consumption. For an example of the cost of having such a reliance on imported oil, in midsummer 2001, with oil prices at $24 per barrel, the U.S. was spending $210 million per day on imported oil, which would add to nearly $80 billion per year if the price per barrel consistently stayed at $24. This reliance on foreign oil constitutes over 1/3 the annual U.S. trade deficit. (Energy and Society, Schobert, Pgs 505-506) Besides having relatively few oil fields compared to other nations, other problems hinder the ability of the U.S. to not rely on imported oil. The U.S. has exploited its oil reserves longer than any other nation, resulting in the cost of producing a barrel of oil in the existing U.S. reserves being more than anywhere else. This exploitation of U.S. reserves will cause domestic oil production to fall dramatically over the next decade as existing fields are exhausted and relatively few new reserves are discovered.

You Changed My Life

You Changed My Life is a 2009 Filipino movie starring Sarah Geronimo and John Lloyd Cruz. It is the sequel to the 2008 blockbuster movie A Very Special Love, starring Sarah Geronimo and John Lloyd Cruz. Filming has started in November 2008, just in time for its February 25, 2009 release as Star Cinema and VIVA Films' post-Valentine offering to Filipino moviegoers and received again an â€Å"A† rating from the Cinema Evaluation Board. Cathy Garcia Molina reprises directorial duties for the franchise. It is now the â€Å"Highest Top-Grossing Filipino Movie of All Time† to beat â€Å"Ang Tanging Ina Ninyong Lahat† for its (YCML) 3rd week of showing. Synopsis Its been six months since Laida Magtalas (Sarah Geronimo) won the heart of her prince charming Miggy Montenegro (John Lloyd Cruz) and it has been nothing but roses-she got promoted, Flippage is now in the same building where Miggy works and best of all, her hair looks better. To Laida,nothing can break her perfect little world. Miggy feels like hes on top of the world. He's is finally okay with his family and for the first time,he's in a relationship that has meaning,He is slowly proving to everyone that he is indeed a work in progress. But things quickly proven not quite what they seem. Miggy gets promoted but is assigned in Laguna. Laida,on the other handare,is being offered a job to Canada. With their careers leading Laida and Miggy to different paths, their relationship suffers from the pressures of being apart. Will Laida and Miggy be able to keep their happily ever after? Or will they realize,a little to late,that living the dream is actually harder than attaining it. Main Cast John Lloyd Cruz as Miguel â€Å"Miggy† Montenegro, Sarah Geronimo as Adelaida â€Å"Laida† Magtalas Supporting Cast Dante Rivero as Luis Montenegro, Rowell Santiago as Art Montenegro, Johnny Revilla as Roger Montenegro, Bing Pimentel as Alice Montenegro, Al Tantay as Tomas Magtalas, Irma Adlawan as Baby Magtalas, Arno Morales as Stephen Magtalas, Miles Ocampo as Rose Magtalas, Andre Garcia as Lio Magtalas, Joross Gamboa as John Rae, Bernard Palance as Mon, Matet De Leon as Zoila, Gio Alvarez as Vincent, Kalila Aguilos as Violy, Cj Jaravata as Jules, Epifania â€Å"Panying† Limon as Office Utility

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Australian Economic Review Essay

The deliberateness of distress lines ar published in the class 1987 and latest in the year 1996. (Australian Economic Re come across) Melbourne Institute analysis of penury states that as per the year cc5, June first quarter, class disposable income per head stands at $477. 73 per week. View on Australia need states that in that respect are 340,000 unemployed people and some 800,000 children are growing in loose families (ACOSS). Payments for unemployed people are re anyy low as just $200 per week for a single lift / furrowless people prevent to go in impoverishment.Poverty is evident in Australia due to various reasons such as single-parent families, inadequate education for people in families, unawareness of career opportunities and computer applied science or lack of opportunities for barter or under development in suburban areas of Australia where people are not utilizing the resources of job opportunities or disinterested in advancing ahead with serious stan dards of stinting living, for solely these reasons, in a macro perspective, G8 prime was focused on poverty every(prenominal) over the gentlemans gentleman.Poverty is prevalent all over the world, where it is quite apparent in some parts of the world and undetected in other parts of the world although the problem of poverty is persistent in gripping the lives of people. It is important here to position poverty for clear understanding and demarking the poverty line.Widely accepted definition poverty states that an enforced lack of socially perceived necessities(ACOSS) which means that people are alter or feed deficient currency flow to buy enough food, correct rent and pacify in a good accommodation, good clothes, lack of white-hot water and electricity for non-payment of politics charged bills which otherwise drive people to agree and adjust with whatever comes in a way either by pickax or by chance and compels to stay satisfied. Alleviation of poverty is a long pr ocess and mostly it is recurring in several states.In tramp to totally eliminate poverty, strong laws of social eudaemonia and status of living standards must be construed in order to ensure economic growing of living as a whole in all nations curiously in Australia as this paper discusses. A thorough study and survey, research must be made in order to conclude and identify the ground reasons of poverty. ACOSS view on Australia poverty states that, firstly it is postulate to raise the income levels of people which will service of process parents and children to the process of thinking in devising good opportunities and also offers satis evention and repose in living.Families with low education frustrate placement in lower cellular telephone jobs which carry low salaries, which otherwise express that good and appropriate education is such(prenominal) more important to draw a bigger pay to meet the challenges of aliveness style and family need. This can never be reversed at any height of time. In Australia at that place are 11. 3 unemployed people who are not holding even a blue school certificate as compared with 3 per penny of people who put one across a bachelor degree.This would further leaves greater concern on children such that, if 15 per cent of children are doing well whose parents have realised 10 STD, 44 per cent of children are outstandingly doing well whose parents have established university education. This point clearly indicates that parents need good education, good job, good pay which in turn would help to lead children into a greater success areas.This cannot be achieved by a community or a societal organization whereas from the ground level, the report must begin i. e. from federal government and politicians who have to work hardly in bringing an efficient industries, developing root word and creating employment areas and encourage people to heighten in career and education for advance of economic growth and also in s atisfying the basic requirements of its people. In fact, for all governments of all nations, people and meeting the needs and basic demands must be its precession with the fact that, without peoples happiness, there cannot be healthy and prosperous nations. there is a huge gap between rich and wealthy people and ridiculous people, which means that wealthy people continue to expand riches whereas poor and poor people continue to live in deteriorated poverty which is unacceptable and should not be encouraged keeping the future generations of children. A study of UNICEF confirms that Australia has 56. 2 per cent of children who are living with solo mothers which provides a fact that, how difficult it is for single mothers to make a status for living and in remission children.This is further confirmed by Australian Democrats, Overall, the results demonstrate that unemployment continues to be a major cause of poverty in Australia and that employment only provides an escape when it c omes in the unionize of a full-time job. Because many of the sore jobs created over the last two decades have been either part-time or casual, they have not been sufficient, by themselves, to protect workers and their families from poverty. (Peter Saunders of Social Policy Research sum of money )